About Coaching

Elvira's coaching focuses on delivering training programs to give you the tools to empower yourself, be your own master and overcome mental and physical stress and to lead a happier, healthier and more successful life.


Private Coaching Information

Step 1 - Big Vision - Describe and define your personal version of success in terms of your whole life.

All goals will and should flow from it to enable you to keep working towards your goals in a sustained way. It is also an important point to keep coming back to to regain motivation and refresh your resolve.

Step 2 - Identify or clarify goals in line with this vision.

All goals require two sides of the story: having the knowledge of which steps to take, how and what needs to be studied or learnt; and emotional stability to carry them out and sustain future work. Gaining emotional stability is the corner stone of my coaching process with you and my expertise. Whilst going out there and finding information and learning is your side of the story. These two pillars will be combined throughout our coaching journey.

Step 3 - The Flow

Continuous Inner Work - dissolving past negative experiences and their memories, letting go of anger /fear /resentment /blame /etc about past /present /future and overcoming the present emotions to a greater future.Continuous Outer Work - setting up to do lists - action steps - and overcoming limiting emotions to taking them.

Big Vision

Describe and define your personal success in terms of your whole life.All goals will and should flow from from it to enable you to keep working towards your goals in a sustained way. It is also an important point to keep coming back to, to regain motivation and refresh your resolve.Think about your life as a whole. What would you like to see yourself doing for the rest of your life? What do you wish to achieve exactly?Spend time thinking about it and write down ideas as you go. Then refine and simplify your message. Check it. Can you be inspired by it for a long time? If not, then think again. Dream big. Especially think about motivation – why are you doing this – emotional side – emotional benefits for yourself and others around you.It is very important to spend time and really define this. In times when you feel low this will come as an inspiration and will re-energise you to to continue.Your vision may change later, but for now make it clear and strong. Get a notepad – the reason – you focus wider, you are more engaged with your creativity, your focus is open, gripping a pen with fingers engages more areas of your brain.


*Breaking free from chronic anxiety and its effects

*Freedom from fearDissolution of physical pain

*Dissolution of emotional pain


*Perceptions shifts and letting go of old baggage

*Increased ability to handle stressful situations and peopleIncreased happiness

*Health improvements

"100 Specific Events" Topic Suggestions - removing "charge" from them uncovers confidence

What others did to you and what you did to others:

1. Past life memories if you perceive any
2. Childhood
3. Parents
4. Siblings
5. Other family members 
6. Kindergarten
7. School
8. School time groups
9. College/University/other
10. Work and work experience
11. Bosses
12. Co-workers
13. Boyfriends and girlfriends
14. Spouses
15. Children
16. Childbirth
17. Ageing
18 Accidents
19. Failures
20. Losses
21. Humiliation
22. Illness
23 Death
24. Being a perfectionist
25. Specific events of procrastination, being disorganised
26. Doctors/dentists visit
27 Specific events about not progressing - career
28. Specific events to do with sports/working out/exercise